Knight New Work 2020 – Knight Foundation

Knight New Work 2020

Learn more about the goal of Knight New Work 2020 in Adam Ganuza’s blog post. Learn more about the Knight New Work 2020 winners here.

Knight New Work 2020: Application period is now closed

As the global pandemic disrupts the means of experiencing the arts in person, artists are responding by creating innovative artworks and ways to experience them. To recognize, support and accelerate this creative virtuosity, Knight New Work 2020 will provide up to $500,000 to support Miami-area artists in developing groundbreaking art that reimagines how the performing arts are created and experienced.

Knight New Work 2020 is a two-part open call. In the first round, 15 to 20 artists and arts organizations will each receive $10,000 to develop new performing art works in the worlds of dance, music and theater that reflect and respond to the incredible times we are living in. Along with funding, the winners will receive mentorship from established artists and be connected to their peers to advance their work. 

In the second round, a small group of the projects will be selected to receive further funding to fully produce and perform their finished work by the end of 2021.

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, September 8.

If you have any questions regarding Knight New Work 2020, please refer to our FAQ page or email [email protected].

Knight New Work information session

Have questions about the open call? Need tips for your application? The Knight arts team hosted an information session where they answered questions from participants. View the video below:

*Note: the above information session was held prior to the deadline extension for Knight New Work 2020. The deadline to apply for the open call is Tuesday, September 8 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Virtual Office Hours

Have more questions for the arts team about Knight New Work 2020? Sign up for 15-minute sessions here.