Anne Tschida – Page 40 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Anne Tschida

  • Arts

    More and more, we are seeing interesting collaborations among various artistic forms, mixing and mashing visual arts, performance, dance and music. Not a new concept obviously, but increasingly common in Miami’s scene, which is a good thing. Not only does it allow individual artists to experience another discipline’s process, but the audiences in general also […]

    Article · April 4, 2011 by

  • Arts

    One of the first impressions that jump out when looking around at the group show “spillage: traces, evidence and presence” is the lack of color — no bright primaries, no tropical hues, despite the origins of the artists at the Carol Jazzar garage gallery, from the South, the Caribbean, and Ecuador. No, this is a […]

    Article · March 30, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Art most assuredly isn’t confined to Second Saturdays anymore — take this Saturday for example. There’s the Arteamericas fair. MAM is opening its latest show with a talk and reception. MOCA’s Optic Nerve films are unspooling in Bal Harbour. And some local artists have organized a silent auction for the hardest hit Prefecture Miyagi in […]

    Article · March 25, 2011 by

  • Arts

    The world’s biggest art fair spotlighting work from Latin America returns to Miami this week. Arteamericas, now in its ninth year, opens at the Miami Beach Convention Center March 25. Many of the booths will ring familiar: Virginia Miller Galleries, Pan American Art Projects, Cernuda and Nina Torres. In one booth, Miami curator and El Nuevo […]

    Article · March 24, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Brandon Opalka’s work is both overt and covert, public and personal. As an artist rooted in graffiti (however loosely that can be defined these days), Opalka’s output on one level has always been overtly public by its nature. Like the man behind the spray paint and brush, the works themselves are bursting with a desire to […]

    Article · March 21, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Seeing one particular painting of Hernan Bas at Snitzer’s gallery last Saturday suddenly seemed more unsettling than it might have two days earlier. It’s a large painting in three sections — the largest that the young and successful painter has done so far — called “The Road Ahead is Golden.” A white car is sliding […]

    Article · March 16, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Street art is beginning to define Miami’s art scene. Some say there are more walls covered in street murals in one area (Wynwood) than anywhere else in the world. Maybe. But the artists who have been tagging and painting are also becoming more well known, helping to write our growing artistic language. One such artist […]

    Article · March 15, 2011 by

  • Arts

    The Miami International Film Festival is giving a nod to the importance of visual arts to Miami, by screening the premiere of the Wet Heat Project‘s second full-length art documentary on March 9. Called “making sh*t up,” it’s a profile of local conceptual artist Bert Rodriguez — and of the art scene itself, here and […]

    Article · March 10, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Ernesto Oroza, Installation view of “Archetype Vizcaya,” Courtesy, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens If you’ve never been to the Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, you’re missing a slice of Miami and its history. It’s truly a strange and wonderful Oz, with 10 acres of gardens, a hardwood hammock and an Italianate villa that exposes a spectacular view […]

    Article · March 8, 2011 by

  • Arts

    While parts of the art world have decamped to New York City for the week for the Armory fair and satellite shows, one local institution will open a retrospective of sorts of a local artist who has made a splash here — and New York, “Forever” is a survey of sculptures and installations from 2003 […]

    Article · March 2, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Walking up the stairs this particular Sunday night to visit an out-of-the-way space in North Miami, this is what was overheard: “Everyone wanting to be a real painter needs to see this show” — and numerous iterations of that statement throughout the evening. What they were talking about (and talking about and talking about) was […]

    Article · March 1, 2011 by