Jeffrey M. Jones – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Jeffrey M. Jones

  • other

    More than eight in 10 Americans believe the news source they use most often is doing an “excellent” or “good” job of covering the election, but generally give mediocre ratings to election coverage from national and local television, newspapers and radio, more generally. Americans say the news media in general give insufficient attention to election […]

    Article · October 28, 2020 by

  • other

    Americans believe major internet companies have an obligation to warn people if items on their websites or apps contain misinformation, and most indicate they would likely believe internet company warnings about misinformation. The findings are part of a Gallup/Knight Foundation study that shows Americans remain highly concerned about the spread of misinformation, with nearly eight […]

    Article · October 13, 2020 by

  • Journalism

    The novel coronavirus pandemic has spawned what the World Health Organization is calling an “infodemic,” an overabundance of information — some of it false — about COVID-19. Americans divide evenly over whether it is harder or easier to be well-informed about the coronavirus because of easy access to a wide variety of information sources. Fifty-eight […]

    Article · May 11, 2020 by

  • Journalism

    The economic slowdown affecting the U.S. is worsening an already perilous financial situation for local news organizations, especially local newspapers. While Americans are not overly concerned about the effect of the downturn on local news in their area, they do support financial assistance for local news organizations as part of COVID-19 relief legislation. At a […]

    Article · May 7, 2020 by

  • Journalism

    Americans are paying more attention to local news and rate its coronavirus coverage positively, but most of their fundamental attitudes about local news are not improving. The coronavirus situation has led to a spike in attention to news. Although attention to national and international news has fallen back to pre-coronavirus levels in recent weeks, attention […]

    Article · May 7, 2020 by