Search Results for “bill gates” – Page 2 – Knight Foundation


Search Results for: bill gates
  • Communities
    It takes a village: Raising a successful startup community in Miami

    On May 1, 2019, Knight announced more than $1 million in new funding for nine projects to forge greater connections between Miami startup founders and open new pathways for talent and capital. See the press release for the announcement here.  As someone with an almost 2-year-old, I can’t help but notice that building an entrepreneurial […]

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  • Agenda

    Knight Media Forum Strengthening local news, community and democracy Feb. 25–27, 2019 | #infoneeds Miami, Fla. Monday, Feb. 25: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Registration (Met Ballroom Foyer, Level 3) 6 – 8 p.m.: Welcome Reception, featuring The Slants, with Simon Tam and Joe Jiang (Pérez Art Museum Miami) Buses begin departing JW Marriott Marquis at […]

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  • Journalism
    People like you: How personal and community ratings influence trust in media

    The spread of misinformation or strongly biased news has been enabled, at least partially, by digitally based techniques that strategically target news content at consumers. The methods provide news consumers with stories based on the story’s popularity in the general public or with a certain group of people, or because of the consumer’s past online […]

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  • Journalism
    Major internet companies as news editors

    Major internet companies such as Google®, Yahoo® and Facebook® have millions of users who visit their websites or apps frequently to find information or connect with others. In addition to those basic tasks that popularized the sites, they now provide news to their users, typically by linking to news articles reported by outside news organizations. […]

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  • Journalism
    Americans’ views of misinformation in the news and how to counteract it

    Recent years have seen a rise in concern about the spread of misinformation, frequently referred to as “fake news.” Concern about misinformation — which can be defined as stories that are made up or cannot be verified as accurate but are presented to readers as if they are accurate — is not confined to one […]

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  • Journalism
    Assessing the effect of news source ratings on news content

    Gallup and Knight Foundation’s 2017 Survey on Trust, Media andDemocracy found that Americans believe the media landscape is becoming harder to navigate. A majority of Americans say the plethora of information and news sources available makes it harder, rather than easier, to be informed today. The proliferation of online news sources that fail to adhere […]

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  • Journalism
    Perceived accuracy and bias in the news media

    Gallup and Knight Foundation’s 2017 Survey on Trust, Media and Democracy found that Americans believe the news media have a critical role to play in U.S. democracy but are not performing that role well. One of Americans’ chief concerns about media is bias, and Americans are much more likely to perceive bias in the news […]

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  • Speakers

    Bill Adair @BillAdairDuke Bill Adair is the Knight Professor of Journalism and Public Policy at Duke University and the creator of the Pulitzer Prize-winning website PolitiFact. At Duke, he heads the journalism program as director of the DeWitt Wallace Center, and conducts research on fact-checking in the Reporters’ Lab. His awards include the Pulitzer Prize […]

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