Michele McLellan – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Michele McLellan

  • Journalism

    The coronavirus pandemic has sent an ailing local news industry into free fall across the United States. But in dozens of communities, nonprofit organizations that cover local news are a promising bright spot. These outlets tend to be small operations, most with staffs of three or fewer, and modest audience reach and revenue. They are […]

    Article · June 16, 2020 by and

  • Journalism

    Michele McLellan is senior program consultant to Knight Digital Media Center at the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. She is co-author of “News Improved: How America’s Newsrooms Are Learning to Change” and “Digital Training Comes of Age.” Below, she writes about a new report, “Digital Leads: 10 Keys to Newsroom […]

    Article · May 6, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Flickr user The Texas Tribune. At The Texas Tribune, events represent a successful marriage of mission and money. The nonprofit news site, which covers Texas state politics and policy, is an events powerhouse. Trib events, which focus on state affairs, help the organization raise about one-fifth of its annual revenue and engage thousands of people in […]

    Article · November 11, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: The Center for Investigative Reporting on Facebook The Center for Investigative Reporting is turning content distribution partners into paying customers. Like many nonprofit investigative news organizations, the center has offered free or low-cost content to distribution partners, such as newspapers, to get its work in front of as many people as possible. But that’s […]

    Article · November 7, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Above: Data on Voice of San Diego from “Finding a Foothold: How Nonprofit News Ventures Seek Sustainability.”  Voice of San Diego is banking on membership, not only for revenue but to strengthen its ties to its community. Scott Lewis, CEO of the nonprofit news organization, believes attracting local residents to contribute recurring membership fees will play a […]

    Article · November 1, 2013 by

  • Communities

    The Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service covers many local issues including, the arts, economic development, health, public safety and education. Photo credit: Tessa Fox. In 2012, the Knight Community Information Challenge awarded a grant to the Zilber Family Foundation and United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee to increase news coverage of local issues by expanding the Milwaukee […]

    Article · October 11, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Flickr user Garry Knight Below Michele McLellan, a Knight Community Information Circuit Rider, writes about two Knight-funded local news projects in New Orleans. In New Orleans, cutbacks at the local newspaper are helping to elevate the profile of two foundation-supported news operations. Paul E. Maassen, general manager of WWNO, said listeners are beginning […]

    Article · July 8, 2013 by

  • Communities

    The following blog post is written by Michele McLellan, a Circuit Rider for the Knight Community Information Challenge, which is accepting applications from community and place-based foundations through July 1. Photo credit: ModeShift on Flickr. Six years ago, the Knight Community Information Challenge set out to encourage community foundations to fill gaps in local information created […]

    Article · May 17, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Through July 1, we are accepting applications for the Knight Community Information Challenge, which provides matching funding to community and place-based foundations supporting news and information projects. Here, Michele McLellan writes about several mobile projects funded through the challenge. The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo is one of a growing number of Knight Community Information Challenge winners looking […]

    Article · May 14, 2013 by

  • Communities

    A data visualization showing the percentage of Boston commuters using public transportations via Metro Boston DataCommon. Through July 1 we are accepting applications for the Knight Community Information Challenge, which provides matching funding to community and place-based foundations supporting news and information projects. Here, Michele McLellan writes about several data-driven projects funded through the challenge. Community […]

    Article · May 6, 2013 by

  • Communities

    The following blog post is written by Michele McLellan, a Knight Community Information Circuit Rider. Photo credit: Andrew Shurtleff, The Daily Progress, via Charlottesville Tomorrow. The current Knight Community Information Challenge is open for applications through July 1.  Today, Knight Foundation is starting to accept applications for the Knight Community Information Challenge, which provides community foundations with […]

    Article · May 1, 2013 by