Anne Tschida – Page 48 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Anne Tschida

  • Arts

    It’s an eye-popping choice to pair Miamian Jen Stark and New York-based Rory MacArthur in the last show of the year at the Carol Jazzar Gallery, intermingling the pieces in the garage-as-exhibition space. At first glance, because both artists use psychedelic colors that make the works look like they are bursting from the wall, some […]

    Article · May 18, 2010 by

  • Arts

    Mixed in with the clothesline hung with drying underwear, photographs of a woman covered in jelly or with her head jammed in a container of Cheerios, is a washing machine named Mother. That gives you a general idea of the latest solo exhibition from Lee Materazzi called “Feels Like Home” at the Spinello Gallery. Domestic […]

    Article · May 14, 2010 by

  • Arts

    Happy 25th anniversary to the flagship visual arts non-profit ArtCenter /South Florida, which has been providing truly affordable studio space and educational opportunities for a quarter of a century now, quite a life-span for Miami-Dade. And thanks to a $150,000 KAC grant, the ArtCenter also will be unveiling its Computer and New Media Center come […]

    Article · May 11, 2010 by

  • Arts

    Don’t look now, but these are troubling financial times for the arts, in Miami-Dade and everywhere else. So the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts is offering up a unique seminar to arts non-profits on May 18 to help such organizations navigate the tricky waters. Co-sponsored by the Knight Foundation, the one-day seminar is […]

    Article · May 7, 2010 by

  • Arts

    As temperatures start to soar, traditionally the cultural season starts to abate. But the art world seems to be ignoring these climatic confines. In the past week, art lectures and events jostled with each other, and this upcoming week is no different. To start with, the Bass Museum opened up its Egyptian Gallery. Although not […]

    Article · May 4, 2010 by

  • Arts

    Tonight, performance artists from across the globe will take to various venues and strut their stuff, to be broadcast via the Internet and shown real-time in galleries, in an exhibit called “Low Lives 2.” Here in Miami, the performance will feature Alexis Caputo and will take place at the Diaspora Vibe Gallery. Organized by El […]

    Article · April 30, 2010 by

  • Arts

    What’s in a [NAME] Publication? Thanks to a $30,000 2008 challenge grant from the Knight Foundation, NAME is now three artist-oriented books – with more to come. The three books are: “WWW” by Daniel Newman, part of the Miami Artists Series (and reviewed here); “Quiet Village” by Beatriz Monteavaro, also part of the Miami Artist […]

    Article · April 27, 2010 by

  • Arts

    And also don’t call my art “feminine” Or, do. That is the crux of the show at Pan American Art Projects, “Don’t Call Me Pretty,” which opened up on Thursday night with a panel discussion (to a packed house) on women and art. Is there something inherently feminine in art made by women? That’s a […]

    Article · April 23, 2010 by

  • Arts

    Take a seat on a teak-board bench, supported by tree logs, for a beautiful, haunting trek through the remains of a day on earth. In fact, since Thursday is Earth Day, watching Christy Gast’s video in triptych, in the cozy and quiet environs of Gallery Diet, might be a powerful way to celebrate the day. […]

    Article · April 20, 2010 by

  • Arts

    You could label Cory Arcangel a digital artist, a video-game nerd, an ultra-contemporary composer, and you would be right — to a point. But after checking out “The Sharper Image” at the Museum of Contemporary Art, a show of Arcangel’s work from 2002 to the present, you’ll get a better feel for the totality of […]

    Article · April 16, 2010 by

  • Arts

    Video has played an integral role in contemporary art for decades now, but it doesn’t get much of a showing in Miami as a medium. That’s why the all-video “Chained to a Creature of a Different Kingdom” is a standout and worth catching while it’s still running … at the David Castillo Gallery. Curated by […]

    Article · March 30, 2010 by