Jim Brady – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Jim Brady

  • other

    While national media suffer layoffs, it’s a different picture at INN, LION Publishers The timing for the INN Days conference in Washington DC, last week couldn’t have been better. The Institute for Nonprofit News is on a roll, and so is the sector of both local nonprofit news outlets and for-profit independent news publishers. Both […]

    Article · June 20, 2023 by and

  • Journalism

    16th edition of the conference focuses on solutions for local news, diversity initiatives and political polarization For the 16th edition of the Knight Media Forum in Miami (and online), there was a sense of optimism not seen for some time. This felt like a moment of potential transformation in local news. There are all sorts […]

    Article · February 24, 2023 by and

  • Journalism

    A look back at a year of growth in independent and nonprofit local news, in-person conferences and stronger BIPOC media As we enter the holiday season, the light outside dims, work slows to a crawl and work travel (thankfully) tails off. It’s also time for Nieman Lab predictions for next year, and a look back at our […]

    Article · December 27, 2022 by and

  • Journalism

    Conversation between Haugen and Horwitz sheds light on the complexity of leaking to the press, and the need for support Jim Brady This newsletter focuses on Knight’s Journalism program, but that doesn’t mean we’re the only part of the foundation that touches on issues relating to journalism. A wonderful example of that was last week’s […]

    Article · December 7, 2022 by and

  • Journalism

    Key hire in Marc Lavallee, with one more program officer to come Time is an incredibly precious commodity, and one somewhat impervious to technological change. While load times continue to get faster and storage capabilities continue to grow, we remain limited to 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour and 60 seconds a minute. […]

    Article · May 9, 2022 by

  • Journalism

    NAB puts spotlight on innovators; NewsMatch brings in record haul from local matches The National Association of Broadcasting Show is taking place this week in Las Vegas, and that seems like a good time to discuss how local broadcast journalism fits into Knight’s strategy. One hint to that answer would be to note that Knight’s entire journalism […]

    Article · April 25, 2022 by

  • Journalism

    ISOJ is a hybrid hit, INN Days goes virtual with regional meetings The journalism conference circuit is active again, and with it, so are some of the debates about the future of local journalism.  At last week’s International Symposium on Online Journalism in Austin, I moderated a panel titled, “Recreating the local news ecosystem with new models, […]

    Article · April 11, 2022 by

  • Journalism

    Nominate a South Florida journalist for the Esserman-Knight Journalism Awards! I have learned quickly one of the realities of philanthropy: You cannot fund every idea you like. In fact, you can’t fund most ideas you like. Even foundations with substantial endowments have limits on what they can spend in a given year and, to be most effective, […]

    Article · March 14, 2022 by

  • Journalism

    🇺🇦 Welcome! We’re happy to have you here for our first official News @ Knight newsletter. If you had this forwarded to you, I hope you’ll sign up here. While my original intent was to lead off with a recap of the Knight Media Forum, it’s impossible to start with any topic other than what’s happening in Ukraine […]

    Article · February 28, 2022 by