Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast is a conversation which will take a deep dive into cities and explore ideas and insights on building engaged communities in a time of rapid change.
Hosted by Lilly Weinberg and Lilian Coral.
Previous episodes
Ep. 26: Driving decisions with local data
Building resilient city budgets: a guide for city practitioners
Public Spaces as Infrastructure: How to use federal stimulus dollars to advance equity and transform our cities
Ep. 25: Exploring digital engagement in a post-COVID world
Ep. 24: Public space and equity: new research on community-led public spaces
Ep. 23: #MiamiTech: capturing the moment
Ep. 22: Building prosperous communities through inclusive, accessible entrepreneurship
Ep. 21: The importance of local leadership amid national divisions
Ep. 20: Election 2020: Register, learn, mobilize
Ep. 19: Universities + cities during COVID-19
Ep. 18: Driving Social Impact During Crisis
Ep. 17: Leveraging parks and public spaces for schools during COVID-19
Ep. 16: Resiliency and Innovation during COVID-19
Ep. 15: Community Engagement during Covid-19
Ep. 14: Placemaking during a pandemic
Ep. 13: Building equitable public spaces
How can communities use data to inform decision making for investing in more equitable parks? What community driven best practices can cities use for the equitable rebuild of their public spaces? We’ll chat with Trust for Public Land’s 10 Minute Walk Director Benita Hussain, […]
Ep. 12: The revitalization of our city centers
Ep. 11: Bridging the digital divide
Ep. 10: Building equitable public spaces
How do communities rebuild their public spaces in an equitable, inclusive way? How does history, culture and the arts play a role in the future of urban spaces? We’ll chat with Walter Hood, a world renowned landscape architect and Knight Public Spaces Fellow.
Ep. 9: Navigating cities in a pandemic
During a pandemic, how do people and goods safely move about? What questions should we grapple with, as we think about helping people move around a city and have access to the essential resources they need to survive? On Episode 9 of Coast to Coast, we’ll be chatting with Anthony Townsend and Warren Logan […]
Ep. 8: Civic life in the digital public square
What does civic participation and activism look like during a time of social distancing? On Episode 8 of Coast to Coast, we’ll be chatting with Mona Sloane and Warren Flood to explore how COVID-19 has affected civic life. […]
Ep. 7: Bridging cultures amid unrest in communities
How can we better connect and engage across cultures during America’s moment of reckoning? We’ll hear first-hand from Jay Pitter, international placemaker, and Ana Sofia Pelaez from the Miami Freedom Project. They’ll help us think through tangible ways move the needle forward, […]
Ep. 6: Placemaking for justice: examples from communities
In communities across the country, people and institutions are using placemaking to advance conversations around race, equity and justice. What are they doing, and what can other cities learn from their work? On the next episode of “Coast to Coast,” we’ll hear from Taiwo […]
Ep. 5: Rising to the moment
How can we rise to the moment and address the issues our communities are facing head on? How are cities addressing systemic racism? Jai Winston, Knight Foundation director for St. Paul and Toni Newborn, St. Paul chief equity officer, join us to discuss […]
Ep. 4: Taking back our streets during COVID-19
How can we better leverage streets for people? How can streets be part of the solution for our economic recovery? We’ll talk with experts Chelina Odbert of KDI Design and Raphael Clemente of the […]
Ep. 3: Rebuilding with new models for public spaces engagement
As our communities rebuild after the COVID-19 crisis, what new public space models will help cities engage communities, manage spaces and forge partnerships? Lilly and Lilian spoke with Knight Public Spaces Fellows Kathryn Ott Lovell, commissioner of Philadelphia Parks […]
Ep. 2: Equity and public space
Hosted in partnership with the High Line Network and Reimagining the Civic Commons. Featuring special guests Carol Coletta (President and CEO of the Memphis River Parks Partnership), Alexa Bush (Director of Urban […]
Ep. 1: How can we rebuild our cities?
With special guest Eric Klinenberg, Knight Public Spaces Fellow, professor of social science at NYU and practitioner working on urban public spaces.